Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food Review: Progresso Reduced Sodium Chicken Gumbo

As far as canned soups go, this one isn't bad. The broth is somewhat bland but was freshened up a bit by my addition of black pepper. It's also got rice, celery, tomatos, pretty tough cubed chicken, carrots, and bell peppers in it. I'd never mistake it for a homemade soup, but I don't think I've ever met a canned soup that doesn't taste like one. So for taste, it gets 2 out of 4 stars.

The label says it's 450 mg of sodium/serving, but the thing is, the can is two servings. Besides anorexics, I have no idea who eats half a can of soup. So at 900 mg, I wouldn't go out of my way to add this to my diet. You're spending 60% the standard recommended sodium intake on a bowl of soup. And not a very filling one at that... even though I ate two "servings."

Overall rating: 2 stars.

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