Saturday, April 10, 2010

2nd Checkup

The good news is I went back to the doctor and it looks like the Enalapril is really helping. My blood pressure seems back to normal levels, and that's a good thing.

On Wednesday, I went to the pharmacy to refill, and it just so happened I had forgotten to take my pill that day. I took advantage of the blood pressure reader there, and ONE DAY off meds, my bp was 145/90. Ugh! Guess this is for real.

I'm finding the hardest part of watching sodium isn't so much the absence of table salt, but of vinegar and brine. I LOVE pickles, olives, Tabasco sauce, and malt vinegar. All bad, bad, bad. But cutting back has, so far, not upped my taste buds or sense of flavor. At least not noticeably. I just burned my tongue though; maybe on regeneration I'll be able to taste food for real :)